
Treatments offered – an Exhaustive List

Panchakarma (Elimination Therapy) Panchakarma is a method of cleansing the body of all the unwanted waste after lubricating it. Panchakarma are 5 (five) in number; hence the term PANCHA (five) – KARMA (procedures). Panchakarma treatment is unique in the sense that it includes preventive, curative and promotive actions for various diseases. Panchakarma plays a vital role in keeping the body healthy. The five significant benefits of Panchakarma are as follows: Detoxing the body and rejuvenating the mind: Since the process focuses on the purification of the body at various levels in stages, it eliminates the toxins (ama) and increases digestive fire (Agni).

  1. Vaman (Emetic therapy)
  2. Virechan (Purgative therapy)
  3. Nasya (Inhalation therapy)
  4. Anubasan vasti (a type of enema)
  5. Niruha vasti (another type of enema)

Satkarma (Six fold kriyas)

  1. Neti (jalaneti, sutraneti, Ghruhutaneti)
  2. Dhoti (Baman dhoti, Bastra dhoti, Danda dhoti, kunjar kriya)
  3. Shankha prakshyalan kriya (cleansing like a conch)
  4. Vasti (jalavasti, pawan vasti)
  5. Tratak kriya
  6. Noli kriya

Practice of Ashtanga yog

(Yama, niyam, asana, Pratayahar, Dharana, Dhyan, Samadhi)
All these will be conducted at our Meditation / Yog Centre under the guidance of Patanjali Yogacharya

Healing through Panchatatwa – Water, Fire, Earth (mitti), Air, Sky (aakash)

Water – Hydrotherapy (use of water)

  • Enema
  • Foot bath – hot
  • Foot bath – cold
  • Alternate hot and cold foot bath
  • Steam bath
  • Steam inhalation
  • Sponge bath
  • Local steaming
  • Immersion bath
  • Effusion douche bath
  • Full and Alternate Tub cold and hot immersion bath (neutral and with friction)
  • Full tub graduated hot/cold immersion bath
  • Underwater hydro massage
  • Sauna bath
  • Cold/ natural/ hot hip bath
  • Spinal bath (sitting and lying position)
  • Sitz/ genitals bath
  • Local thermal packs
  • Cold compresses
  • Gastro hepatic / Renal alternate hot/cold compress
  • Jet spray (cold, hot, alternate hot and cold)
  • Colon therapy

Earth (PRITHVI) Therapy (Mitti chikitsa)

  • Dump mud pit bath
  • Steaming hot sand/ vapour bath
  • Mud massage/ mud plaster on whole body
  • Mud pack local (stomach, head, eyes, ears, face, chest, neck, throat, shoulders, joints, pancreas)
  • Sand bath

AGNI Chikitsa

  • Sun bath
  • Colour sunrays therapy

Fasting (upavas)

  • Jaloupvas – water therapy
  • Rasoupvas – raw juice therapy
  • Faloupvas – fruit therapy

There are other therapies like:

  1. Spiritual therapy (Mouna, Dhyana)
  2. Music therapy (Prarthana and prayer)
  3. Acupressure therapy
  4. Magneto therapy

Massage therapy

  • Udvartan or dry massage The word “Udvartan” means rubbing the body by Churna (coarse herbal powders). This unique procedure is used for various health issues as well as for slimming & cellulitis.
  • Snehan also called “Oleation”- Snehan means administering medicated oil into body by massage on affected portion
  • Swedan or Purgation therapy – In this therapy heat is given to the body on the affected portion or whole body by steam or other methods. This therapy is usually given after Snehan. After 3-7 days of Snehan and Svedana, the doshas become well “ripened.” and Svedana liquefies the toxins and increases the movement of toxins into the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Patra pinda massage
    Pinda Sweda is a common form of Swedana in which the medicaments are tied up in a cloth and used for the therapy. In Patra Pinda Sweda, leaves of medicinal plants and other drugs are tied up in the cloth and applied to the body while frequently heating it. Also called Ela Kizhi, the treatment is usually done after a light oil massage or Abhyanga; it offers relief in diseases related to bones, muscles, and nerves.
  • Oil massage

Rakta Mokashan

Raktamokshana derives its name from Rakta meaning ‘blood’ and mokshana meaning ‘liberation’. This treatment literally ‘releases’ impure blood from the system. Raktamokshana, or bloodletting, it is an important part of the clinical therapeutic use of Panchakarma in the management of several important disease conditions. Raktamokshana is an effective blood purification therapy, in which carefully controlled removal of small quantities of impure blood is conducted to neutralise accumulated toxins.

  • Sringi therapy
  • Leech therapy
  • Acupuncture therapy

Chiropathy (kyropathy)

Chiropractic therapy is a non-surgical treatment of disorders of the nervous system and/or musculoskeletal system. It may be used to treat conditions such as back pain, neck pain, headache, and hand or foot problems, and to improve overall health

  • Neuro muscular disorders (lower back, neck, head, sacro iliac pain, degenerative disc
  • Pregnancy and post pregnancy lower back pain
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