
Svedan Ozone Steam Therapy

Have you ever thought that just 30 minutes could transform your well being? How about boosting your immune system, ease out pain and stress and calm prevails and gives relaxation for your full body never experienced before? It is indeed unthinkable in this day.

Well, we have tried and tested this wonderful therapy which brings multitude of benefits and decided to introduce for your benefit.

What it is and how it benefits

Ozone steam sauna bath therapy, is a “वाष्प स्नान” treatment where ozone gas is infused with steam within a cabin made of fiberglass or wood. The steam is mainly aimed at swedan (sweating) to release the accumulated toxins. This unique therapy serves as an effective method for eliminating infections from the body. Ozone, being an active form of oxygen, enhances the body’s immune power by destroying bacteria, germs, infections, and fungi and is very effective in treating many illnesses.

Ozone Sauna Therapy is an important part of any detoxification program. The sauna increases the eliminative, detoxifying and cleansing capacity of the skin by stimulation of the sweat glands.

Raising the body temperature results in the destruction of bacteria and viruses, combined with heavy sweating and a cleansing effect initiated by ozone will result in elimination of toxins accumulated mainly in the lymphatic system relieving the liver from the difficult task of processing them. The combined action of moist heat and ozone cleanses the lymphatic system, which carries 90% of the body’s fluids. Ozone brings oxygen to the tissues for enhanced health and vitality. Ozone steam therapy is a natural, effective way to promote overall health and wellness. Treatment at a comfortable 40°C where carbon dioxide (CO2) is gently infused to react with the steam, an ozone sauna helps open up pores on the skin, allowing the body to become fully oxygenated.

Benefits of Ozone Steam Sauna Bath Therapy

  • Eliminates toxins from the body and enables the body to undergo detoxification. The therapy kills any harmful viruses, fungi or bacteria in the body, and eliminates toxins and environmental pollutants through stimulating the sweat glands.
  • Ozone sauna therapy enhances skin appearance and benefits overall look and feel of the skin. The treatment cleanses the skin and reduces the effects of skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and fungal infections. The treatment also has anti-aging benefits.
  • Ozone sauna therapy helps increase energy levels, as the treatment oxygenates your body which boosts endorphins and reduces the risk of fatigue.
  • For those with weight management goals, using an ozone sauna for weight loss will naturally boost metabolism and burn up to 500 calories per session.
  • Musculoskeletal ailments such as arthritis, bursitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, etc. can be managed to a great extent with the help of ozone therapy treatment.
  • Ozone therapy is proven to treat a host of heart related health issues. It helps in reducing the chances of heart attacks and development of infarction as well as treating ischemic heart disease.
  • Bacteria, fungal and viral infections can be warded off to a large extent with the help of ozone therapy treatment.
  • Ulcers, both mouth and foot and wounds caused by ulcers can be healed effectively with ozone therapy.
  • Ozone therapy treatment is effective in alleviating pain, especially lower back pain. Ozone therapy can be resorted to as an alternative for pain killers and other pain relief medication with virtually no side effects.
  • Tissue damage in the brain caused due to stroke can be reversed to some extent with regular ozone therapy treatments.
  • Ozone therapy is found to be extremely beneficial in reactivating and repairing stem cells, which are vital for the production of cells for different parts of the body such as heart, skin, nerves, brain, blood, etc.

Helps in the treatment of the following diseases

  1. Treatment of Infected wounds, open leg ulcers, bed sores and burns
  2. Arterial circulatory disorders characterized by sensation of heaviness and coldness and/or pains in the legs, especially while walking
  3. Treatment of general revitalizing capacity (including nerve and brain functions). Useful in treating for poor concentration, forgetfulness, general reduction in mental and physical performance, insecurity in walking (balancing problems) and clinical dizziness or vertigo. Elderly people generally experience a feeling of wellbeing and improved quality of life
  4. Ozone is used improve weak eye sight due to age related retinal detachment
  5. Inflammatory condition of the large intestines and small intestines, fistulas and proctitis (inflammation of the rectum) treated by Rectal Insufflation of Ozone
  6. Beneficial in treatment of herpes and hepatitis
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