
Ashtanga Yoga – अष्टांगयोग (यम, नियम, आसन, प्राणायाम, प्रत्याहार, धारणा, ध्यान, समाधि)

अष्टांग योग

अष्टांग योग के आठ योगांग-‘यम, नियम, आसन, प्राणायाम, प्रत्याहार, धारणा, ध्यान तथा समाधि हैं.महर्षि पतंजलि के अनुसार अष्टांग योग के अंग, कर्म योग के द्वारा समाधि को प्राप्त करने का एक सरल मार्ग है।

इन आठ अंगो में से पहले तीन अंग (यम, नियम एवं आसन) मानव के शरीर से सम्बंधित है। प्राणायाम, प्रत्याहार, एवं धारणा ये तीन अंग मानव के मन से सम्बंधित हैं। महर्षि पतंजलि ने अष्टांग योग की महिमा को बताया, जो स्वस्थ जीवन के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है.

Ashtanga Yoga is one of the classifications of Yoga in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, which states that optimum mental and physical health can only be achieved by being ethically and morally right through karmas (deeds or actions), meditation, discipline, inner and outer cleansing, and physical exercises. Ashtanga Yoga embodies a holistic approach to physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. With its rigorous series of postures, synchronized breathing, and meditative elements. The components of Ashtanga yoga are:

(Yama, Niyam, Asana, Pranayam, Pratayahar,  Dharana, Dhyan, and Samadhi)

  1. Yama (Principles)
  2. Niyama (Personal Discipline)
  3. Asana (Postures)
  4. Pranayama (Breathing exercises / practices)
  5. Pratyahara (Isolation)
  6. Dharana (Concentration)
  7. Dhyana (Meditation)
  8. Samadhi (Salvation)

Ashtanga (Asht means eight and anga means forms/limbs of) Yoga.  Out of which, we will focus on Asana, a form of exercise that benefits different parts of our body. Every asana has a way of performing, and they are done in the morning at a suitable time.  Though many do in the evening as well. It all depends on their schedule and availability of time. Though at Samhita Wellness Retreat, we conduct them in the morning only. There are special sessions on Yoga for newcomers and new initiates, as can be seen in the schedule.

We now show some videos of the instructors demonstrating various asanas below.


Gomukhasana is a seated pose that helps in improving your posture. The term Gomukhasana translates to “cow face pose” because your body resembles the face of a cow when in this posture.

It is an effective and therapeutic exercise that stretches your shoulders, thighs, hips, ankles, triceps, chest, and underarms.

By regularly practicing Gomukhasana, one can relieve their body of pain and stiffness by stretching the root of these aches, i.e., hips and shoulders. Performing the cow-face pose has therapeutic benefits as it releases hormones such as endorphins that induce a sense of calm and relaxation.

Gomukhasana  can help improve your kidney function.It can also improve cardiovascular health and help prevent heart ailments such as heart attack, stroke, high cholesterol, etc. Practicing Gomukhasana is an effective remedy for relaxation. It combines physical and mental practice to lower your blood pressure and heart rate, which helps in stress reduction. One of the most important Gomukhasana benefits is that it flexes your spine and improves your range of motion.

The procedure of Gomukhasana can seem complicated in the beginning; however, with regular practice, one can perform the asana with ease.


Bhujangasana is renowned for its exceptional impact on spinal flexibility. The backward bend involved in this pose extends the spine, enhancing its mobility and relieving stiffness.

Bhujangasana, also known as the Cobra Pose, has many health benefits:

  • Improves flexibility: The backward bend in this pose stretches the spine, which can increase mobility and reduce stiffness.
  • Strengthens the back: This pose engages the muscles in your back, abdomen, and buttocks, which can improve your posture and reduce the risk of back pain.
  • Stimulates digestion: The gentle compression of the abdominal organs in this pose can help with digestion and relieve issues like constipation and indigestion.
  • Reduces stress: This pose can promote relaxation and deep breathing, which can help reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Improves blood circulation: This pose can promote overall health and well-being, and can even make your face look more radiant.
  • Relieves menstrual discomfort: This pose can stretch the muscles in your abdomen and pelvis, which can help regulate menstrual blood flow and frequency.

Other benefits This pose can also help with shoulder and arm pain, sciatica, asthma, and toning your buttocks.


Sasaka means hare or rabbit, and asana means posture; hence Sasakasana is also known as the hare posture. While performing this pose, it will look like you are sitting like a rabbit. This pose depicts the rounded spine of the rabbit. This asana involves intense forward bending. You can feel a stretch in your back, shoulder and spine

It is also known as Shashankasana, ‘shashank’ means moon, hence it is also known as the moon pose.


  • Flexes the spine: Increases body awareness with breathing.As Rabbit Pose is a forward bend pose, it calms the mind and relieves tensions around the neck.
  • Activates the thyroid glands, keeping the hormones in control.
  • Relieves the stress bringing fresh blood supply to the crown of the head.


The name comes from Sanskrit – Ardha means half, matsya means fish, eendra means king, and asana means posture. Ardha-matsyendrasana, or the ‘Lord of the Fishes’ pose, is named after Matsyendranath, a ninth-century yogi and founder of Hatha yoga.

Ardhamatsyendrasana is one of the best asanas that may help the body to improve the flexibility and agility. It has many benefits for the spine, kidney, urinary tract, heart, liver, etc.

While practicing this asana, one must keep all the precautions in mind and maintain a good posture. Doing ardhamatsyendrasana correctly is crucial to extract all its benefits.


Shalabhasana, also known as the locust pose, is known for the backward bending of the spine. This asana strengthens the lower back, legs, pelvic organs, hips, and arms and relieves back pain.


  • Strengthens back: Targets the spine more than forward bends, which can help with back pain, posture, and weakness
  • Tones muscles: Tightens lower back muscles, hips, and pelvis, and tones abs
  • Improves circulation: Can enhance circulation and stimulate internal organs
  • Boosts digestion: Can help improve the digestive system
  • Stimulates shoulders and neck: Strengthens shoulders and stimulates the neck


Or the Wind-Relieving Pose is excellent for releasing abdominal gas, as its name suggests. It gets its name from the Sanskrit words, pavana, meaning wind, mukta, meaning to relieve or release, and asana, meaning posture.

It is said that if the brain and belly are healthy then a man is wealthy. The mind and body are intimately connected, and the gut is now referred to by the scientific community as the “second brain.” Therefore, to have a peaceful mind it is absolutely essential that the digestive system remains strong. The pose is suitable for all levels and can be accomodated to fit all needs.

Apart from this, it strengthens the back and abdominal muscles, and tones the arms, legs, and buttocks. The asana also helps in relaxing the neck, abdomen, thighs, hamstrings, and toes. It also enhances blood circulation in the hip joints


Yoga Mudrasana tones the abdomen and increases flexibility and mobility. It is an excellent stretch for the entire body, particularly the spine, shoulder, and core. Yoga Mudrasana alleviates anxiety, stress, and depression. It stimulates the parasympathetic system and improves autonomic nerve function.

This asana improves circulation in the spine and massages the core organs.Yoga Mudrasana can prevent shoulder, back, and sciatic related problems.

It balances lower body Chakras and helps Kundalini energy move up the spine.

Manduksan Or the frog pose

Practicing Mandukasana can put pressure on the abdominal muscles leading to the production of stress hormones. The stress hormone is responsible for improving liver function and kidney function.

Frog pose benefits may also be associated with activating the solar plexus or Manipura chakra. It is located in the navel region, thus stimulating the abdominal organs. You feel intense pressure on the stomach region while performing this asana. This core pressure activates the internal organs enhancing the metabolism, bowel movement and producing digestive fluids for digestion, releasing gases and relieving constipation.

If you have high blood sugar, practicing Mandukasana might help manage diabetes. Studies have found that frog position may enhance insulin production, that may help regulate sugar levels in the body.

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