
Naturopathy and Wellness – an Introduction

Naturopathy believes that a person is born healthy and strong and that they can stay that way by living in accordance with the laws of nature. A proper diet, fresh air, exercise, sunshine, meditation and the right mental attitude, all play their part in keeping the body and mind fit.

Naturopathic medicine, which encompasses acupuncture, massages, detoxification treatments, yoga, meditation, diet and herbal medicine, is a non-invasive drug-free treatment that restores, balances and reboots the human system to heal on its own. Since Naturopathy is a drug-less and non-invasive art of healing, it relies on a series of natural remedies to help the body heal itself. These remedies in combination with a series of lifestyle modifications and herbs facilitate the body’s return to a harmonious state, thereby healing it. Naturopathy takes into consideration some techniques and treatments which were written about in the Vedas.

Naturopathy is one of the most effective systems of alternative medicine. It is based on the principle that it is possible to prevent and treat disease without drug intervention, using holistic techniques that take into consideration all factors affecting a patient instead of just treating the symptoms. It is a system that understands the influence of physical, environmental, social, and psychological factors on the patient and prescribe lifestyle changes using a well-researched combination of exercise, diet, natural remedies, and detoxifying methods.

The basis of Naturopathy

Naturopathy is based on the belief that the human body has an innate capacity to help itself heal, if obstacles to health and healing are removed. It is also believed that disease is a manifestation of the loss of harmony in the natural processes of body and mind. The causes of disharmony may be multifarious including physical, mental, emotional as well as psychological. Naturopathy follows a route of ‘self-healing’ as it believes in the power of human bodies to fight diseases without medicines. Naturopathy refers to the process of natural healing through the power of nature. This is a kind of system of medicine that is similar to Ayurveda that helps in rejuvenating the inner soul, mind, and body. This is totally based on the patterns of nature and the cosmos. Our body heals in an effective manner only when our inner body and soul are in natural harmony with the natural forces outside. Naturopathy involves a vegan and plant-based diet, which is good for your stomach and overall health. Therefore, it is believed that nature has the power to heal any kind of disease and helps people to have a healthy lifestyle.

Why choose Naturopathy?

The objective of naturopathic treatment is to treat the whole person — that means mind, body, and spirit. It also aims to heal the root causes of an illness — not just stop the symptoms. Naturopathic treatment embraces many therapies, including herbs, massage, acupuncture, exercise, and nutritional counseling.

Naturopathy helps in enhancing the self-healing capability of the body and restoring the overall balance of the body. There are so many reasons why you must go for Naturopathy treatment. Some of these include
– It focuses on disease prevention and assists with prevalent health conditions faced by most people. If you have a chronic disease, Naturopathy can be the best option as it addresses the root cause instead of symptoms.
– If you are looking for natural cures to drug-based symptom treatment and want to avoid drugs and their side effects as well, then you must go for Naturopathy treatment and therapies.

What Illnesses Can Naturopathy Treat?

There are a number of illnesses that can be treated effectively by Naturopathy either alone or in combination with other complementary treatments. Naturopathy has the power to cure diabetes, depression, insomnia, joint pain, arthritis, osteoporosis and many more.

  1. Life Style ailments: Diabetes, Depression, Insomnia, Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, Arthritis, and Joint Pain.
  2. Neurological ailments: Migraine, Spondylitis, Sciatica, Paralysis, Epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, etc.
  3. Digestive ailments: Constipation, Indigestion, Hyper Acidity, Colitis, Ulcerative Colitis, Gastritis, etc.
  4. Gynaecological ailments: Amenorrhea, Poly menorrhagia, Metrorrhagia, Dysmenorrhea, Leucorrhoea
  5. Circulatory ailments: Hypertension, Low Blood Pressure, Anaemia, etc.
  6. Respiratory ailments: Cold, Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis, Sinusitis, etc.
  7. Skin Problems: Eczema, Psoriasis, Urticaria, Hair Fall, etc.

At Samhita Wellness, we have the best doctors in the field of Naturopathy who have carefully developed this therapy program in a way that they can pull out the root cause of your problem and address it so that there is no hindrance in your journey to achieving the highest degree of physical, psychological, and spiritual health. Health experts believe that more people are now aware of health and immunity in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic and with more people searching for ways to improve their well-being beyond traditional medical science, holistic methods like Naturopathy may be the solution for them.

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